When the grown children don’t need you any more

One of the most comforting, yet sad, euphoric and yet heart wrenching realization is when a parent realizes their grown children don’t need them anymore. Don’t misunderstand me, they still want the parents, but they don’t need the parents to make it in life.

When a parent realizes this (especially a father) it is both saddening but also very comforting to know you raised them well and they can make it in life without you. There is great peace and rest for a parent that knows their children will be ok.

When I think about this shift in parent/child relationship, I remember when I was 13 and didn’t want my parents to hug me in public anymore and I didn’t want to sit with them in church, etc. I wanted to sit with all the other kids. It is the right of passage for all children both boys and girls. They need to begin the breakaway in early teen years from the parents, and it progresses until one day, they don’t need the parents at all. They want the parents and love the parents, but they can make their way in life without the help of the mom and dad.

Both of my girls went through this pulling away and it is as normal as life itself. I will tell you that I still hug and kiss my adult girls no matter who is watching, because I want them to know that I love them.

A parent wants a child to grow up and leave the nest and forge their own way in the world and wouldn’t want it any other way. It is still hard on the heart, but also very assuring and comforting for a parent to see. KT

One thought on “When the grown children don’t need you any more

  1. We will always want to be around you! Thank you for raising us to be strong and independent! Love you!

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