Have you ever thought about why Hollywood actors have so many award shows? Golden Globe, Oscars, Grammy, Tony, Emmy etc. to name a few, but there is a total of 18 Hollywood award shows.
I can see having one award show with all the categories, but 18? These are award shows created by themselves, paid for by themselves, for themselves, to award themselves and celebrate themselves. They do it so they can feel important. Do you know any other industry that needs 18 award ceremonies? Ever wonder why they all have the red carpet walk with all the flowing gowns and the fawning people outside the ropes with the cameras flashing? These shows are the single greatest ego trip the actors can imagine. Its all for them and all about them.
In hotel Broker world, there is one award ceremony in January of each year. If you are an insurance salesman, plumber, schoolteacher, business executive, home builder or work at a government agency, you get one award ceremony with about eight categories and a free buffet dinner. That’s it.
So why all the award shows for the Hollywood elite? Well, here is my unvarnished opinion. First, most of the actors are pure narcissist that believe they matter to the fabric of America. They don’t. Second, they believe they set the example to follow and that they are admired by all. There not. Third, they are so far out of touch with reality, it is their way of proving to themselves that they matter.
So, just give me a movie with Denzel Washington, Jeff Bridges or Matt Damon. Why? Because they are great actors, and they seemingly live their personal life in an honest way and they haven’t been married eighteen times and they believe in family values. They would get the awards in my book. KT