When is enough, enough?

I wrote about this subject several years ago and the topic continues to interest me.

So many of us just rush through life going from one ‘want’ to another all while thinking we have forever to live and will always have the tomorrows. Well, I am here to tell you that tomorrow is not promised and if we don’t live for today, we may miss our chance. I have lost friends lately the same age as me and I have determined that the moments life gives you are fragile and should be cherished.

Knowing when enough is enough is perhaps one of the biggest problems in many areas of our lives. We just don’t know when enough is enough. I believe that joy, rest, and peace come from contentment. Contentment comes from enough. I am not saying we shouldn’t have goals and dreams because they are the essence of what keeps us dreaming and full of hope for the future. We should have objectives you want to accomplish but those goals and dreams should be junior to living and enjoying the current life God has given you.

Many people spend their best years trying to get to the next house, the next promotion, the next deal, the next thrill, the next marriage, the next look, the next invitation, the next (you fill in the blank.) Many times, people want these things because they are really hiding behind the image (the new me) they think will come if they have these things.

The question we should be asking ourselves is, when will I finally be ok with me and where I am now. When will enough be enough?

I look at the] landscape of singers, actors, politicians, influencers etc. and clearly enough are not enough for most of them. Don’t think of their life as being so great because it is not. Many die young, broke, and alone.

The first words in Psalm 23 says; the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. The entire psalm is the picture of rest, assurance, confidence and having enough.

Find that place where you can sit down, rest, take a deep breath and not think about that next thing. KT

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