Have you ever seen a person who just seems to be the authority in his or her line of work? Well, at some point that person made the decision to be the authority. Yes, I said that person decided to be. See, the world is full of very skilled and very talented people in various fields of work that will always remain in the shadow of being who they were supposed to be because they are afraid.
I have a great friend who is in the same line of work I am in. He never went to college and was a copy machine salesman when he had the opportunity to start selling hotels. He never had the training and seemingly the ability, but he decided one day who he was supposed to be and going to be. He is the best hotel broker that ever laced up a pair of wingtips. Hear me here, it wasn’t because of education, family, friends, or “connections,” but rather it was because he decided one day to be the authority and then put in the work to get there. There are countless stories of successful people that all started with a simple decision to be somebody.
Every person who has accomplished great things in his or her line of work, from the President to a young mother who decided to invest in her children, did not become accomplished in their line of endeavor because they went to school and someone else showed them how to be great. No, they decided that this was their opportunity and decided to act and present themselves as being very good at what they do. If I have learned anything in business, it’s that people hire who they like and trust; people want to work with people who believe in themselves.
I believe God gives us all opportunities to be great, but many times because of inferiority, we miss those opportunities that God intended us to seize.
I always love meeting people who are very, very good at what they do, regardless of the field of work. It’s actually captivating to meet these people and watch them do what they do. There is no school or membership that ever taught someone how to be great because there just are not any studies, lessons, books, college credits to teach this.
I have many family members that all succeed as builders, insurance agents, mortgage brokers, nurses, bankers, mayors, auto body specialists, pastors, etc, and I am always amazed to watch them in their line of work. Each example of this decided to be great at what they do, and the results speak for themselves.
I have two very, very, very beautiful daughters that I could not be more proud of. Let me tell you about them.
My oldest daughter is a Fashion Stylist and just launched her own cable show featuring how to help other people feel better about themselves by what they wear. What a great calling at a time in the world where many ladies need to know and experience a new level of personal confidence. I will say that what she does is as important as any pastor of a church because like the pastor, she helps in the one-on-one and hopefully will encourage a young woman to be what I talked about in the first paragraph. This daughter has decided to be who she is supposed to be.
My youngest daughter is one of the founders of a social media company that started with social media for hotels, but has now moved into its on market placement, handling all social aspects for many different types of companies. I watch her teaching new employees, and I am continually amazed at how she learned to do all this and learned to be so gentle, yet firm when dealing with staff. She is simply gifted at what she does; she didn’t learn this in school, but it was almost as though is was revealed to her. This daughter has decided to be who she is supposed to be.
Then, there is my bride. I always called her “the bride of my youth” because we met in science class in the 11th grade of high school and have been married for 35 years. She handles all the administrative side of our company and follows the money. I cannot tell you how fortunate I am to have her in that role. I never have to worry where the money is and if it’s being handled correctly. She is the most kind, gentle, and thoughtful person I know. Literally. She has always supported me when I didn’t yet do what I talk about in the first paragraph. She believed in me. For men who read this, trust me when I tell you there is nothing more powerful than a wife who respects and believes in you. She has also decided to be who she was supposed to be.
Decide to step into the place you are supposed to be and the person you are supposed to be. If you could see a little above the natural and into the spiritual space, you would see God the father and his angels waiting for you to decide to be who you are supposed to be. If you could hear them, they would be saying, “step into where you belong.” KT
Amen brother. Being who you are supposed to be whether anyone else even knows you’re there or approves of where you are is liberating.