What would you do differently?

I was watching a sappy Christmas movie the other night and it was about this lady that had died (she thought) and was given another week to see if she could change how she lived. She basically lived for work and put everything and everyone second to work. She began thinking about all the ways she would change her life if she just had another opportunity. In the end, she got to come back to life for a second chance.

In real life, you don’t get that chance. Once you pass, all that you leave to the ones you love is the memory of how you lived your life and the words and wisdom you taught them while you were alive.

The lady in the movie said to herself, if I just had another chance, I would;

I would do things differently

I would have different priorities in my life

I would take the time to make a difference

I would put my family first, not my work

I would take care of my health

When I died I would not wish I had spent more time in the office

I would really look at the things and people around me and listen to the music of life

I would not waste life’s minutes on strife, anger, jealousy and vengeance

I would embrace the talents I have and not lose minuets on the ones I don’t have

I would live each day as though it was my last

I would choose joy, love and peace

We all think we have a lot more life ahead and there will always be time to change our lives. What if you are wrong? What would you change in your life if you knew your time was up?

Merry Christmas. KT

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