I believe you can tell a great deal about a person, their life, and their faith based on how they are when all is well in their life.
When things are difficult in life, people tend to seek God much more passionately and carefully watch how they live. When the bills are paid, children are healthy, job is going well, and life in general is all ok, you can see what people really believe based on how they live.
When all is well, there are a lot of people that seem to take it for granted, praying less and spending less time with God. The reason you ask? It’s primarily because they don’t think they need him as much when all is well; they can handle it themselves. When life becomes challenging is when you see most people on their knees and praying for God’s intervention and help.
I believe God finds a special favor in us when he sees us do the opposite: really seeking him and thanking him more when times are good than when times are bad. Think of a parent with a child. The child is real humble when they wreck the family car, get caught at something, or bring home bad grades. It is really great to a parent when they see the child happy and respectful when things are good versus only when things are bad.
So, if you are in a good place this holiday season and all is well with your soul, take a moment to really tell God how appreciative you are. I think it means more to him to hear you say it out of pure gratitude when things are good rather than out of fear and anxiety when things are bad. KT
As soon as my eyes are open EVERY morning, I thank God for my life. If I am having a hard time I ask Him for a way to resolve it. If I am having a great time I am extra thankful for those days. Love you Keith, you are truely a blessing to me.