The ole saying – “when one door closes another one opens”

I have heard this saying for years and while it sounds like it should be true, it doesn’t always work out that way. Imagine with me for a minute, a guy standing in a hallway with multiple doors on each side. The door on the left side he wanted to go through closes and locks and then one on the right side quietly opens without a sound. The problem is that many of us stare too long at the closed door and miss the opening door on the other side. Let me say that again, the problem is that many of us stare too long at the closed door and miss the opening door on the other side.

That’s right. We want what was behind the door we thought was the answer and we complexly miss the better door opening on the other side. We stare too long at the closed one. In life and business if you did the best you could and the door still closes, we need to (spiritually) turn quickly to see where the other door is opening.

I almost lost everything in the restaurant business back in 1990, I heard a slight creaking sound from another door when I turned around. It was hotel brokerage. Nothing I had done before prepared me for that big shift in profession but for an uneducated guy, it was the only door that seemed willing to let me go through. I hit the door at full speed because my family’s financially future depended on it.

So, the moral of the story is when you have a disappointment stop staring at the closed door and go find one opened. KT

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