The Colonel

I want to tell you a story about Colonel Sanders. The meaning of the story is, it is never too late to be who you are supposed to be. I did not write this and took it from a Facebook post I saw yesterday and thought I would share it with you. The following is his story:

At age 5 his father died

At age 16 he quit school

At age 17 he had already lost 4 jobs

At age 18 he got married

Between ages 18 and 22 he was railroad conductor

At age 19 he became a father

At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby daughter

He joined the Army and was washed out

He applied for Law School and was rejected

He became and insurance salesman and failed again

He then became a cook and dishwasher in small café

At age 65 he retired

On the 1st day of retirement he received a check from the Government for $105

He felt the Government was saying he wasn’t capable to provide form himself

He decide to commit suicide because he was such a failure

He sat under a tree writing a will but ended up writing what he could have accomplished with his life

He realized there was much more that he hadn’t done

There was one thing he could do better than anyone he knew

And that was how to cook

He borrowed $87 and bought and fried up some chicken using his own recipe

He went door to door to sell to his neighbors in Kentucky

Remember at age 65 was ready to commit suicide

At age 88 he had built an empire and became a billionaire

KFC is now the second largest restaurant chain with 20,000 locations in 123 countries

The message is, it is never too late. KT

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