
You have heard me speak about the value of doing a personal inventory. Sometimes we don’t realize how blessed we are until we compare it to something or someone.

If you ever need a reality check, just go a new doctor. I did it today. The person at the front desk gives you a clipboard with a health questionnaire for you to fill out. I started on this questionnaire with 66 items, and it asked me to circle any conditions that applied. The list covered aliments from heart valve replacement to cancer to bone marrow transplants. Of the 66 items, I was able to not circle a single one. Today, I took an inventory of just how really blessed I am.

There were a few times when our girls were little where we had health scares. One, I remember in particular had shaken me so badly that when the doctor came out and said she was going to be fine, I could hardly drive. I kept saying ‘thank you Jesus.” I will tell what I was NOT thinking about and that was what I had to get done at work. That thought did not enter my mind during that afternoon. When that doctor came out and said she was going to be ok, my world flooded with joy; as I wiped tears from my eyes, I said, “thank you father for taking care of this.”

What I realized today filling out that questionnaire was just how much I had to be thankful for.

Sometimes the quickest path to finding joy and peace in where you are in life is to take an inventory of what is good and right, and you will most likely find a new level of joy in your life. KT

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