There are many many stories of people we all know who went from a rough childhood to accomplishing something great with their life. I am not going to list any names because that would defeat the purpose of this blog post.
If you were hurt at some point in your life, the one theme that will change your life is the realization that:
It is not about them, it’s about me.
That right. Your identity is based on how you see yourself. Not where you came from but where you are.
There are simply things you cannot change in your past but you can decide (yes, you decide) to move forward with your life and create the life you want to be remembered for. Remember the Apostle Paul? He is the one that wrote the majority of the New Testament. His previous name was Saul and he persecuted, tortured and killed Christians and was doing so until he met the man Jesus. He decided that moment to change his life.
He is quoted as saying, “I do not consider myself to have laid hold of it, but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and pressing toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.”
You could spend 5 years in therapy and still never grasp the real answer of dealing with your past. The answer lies in what Paul did and said. “I cannot change my past rather all I can change is my future.” The life we want and the life we want for our family is our decision. It is not our parents or grandparents decision. It is ours and ours alone.
If you are still dealing your past, I would not let the sun go down again until you have made the decision to stop letting it hold you back from your real purpose in life. KT
AMEN to that. I laid down the past a long time ago. I am only defined by what I choose to be.