New Years 2025

As we all begin a new year, why don’t we dispense with the resolutions that we very seldom follow through on and think a little more deeply than the usual, exercise more, lose weight, read more, make more money etc. etc.

Let’s step back and think more of others than of ourselves. In doing so, just maybe we will improve our own joy, contentment, peace and rest.

Let us strive to forgive more, be more kind to others, be less judgmental, love more, give more, help others more and share more of our lives with those around us. In a movie we watched recently, I heard a pretty great piece od advice. Decide the person you want to be and what you want others to think, when they see you coming. When people (friends and family) see you coming, what do they think? Are they happy about it or dreading it? Are they excited or cautious? Are they inviting or hesitant.

You may not realize this, but you go through these exact subconscious evaluations on other people when you see them coming. Think about this the next time you see someone you know walking toward you.

Therefore, maybe we try a different approach to the old standard New Years resolutions and try to be a better person toward other people. If we truly believe – when we give, it will be given unto us and – we reap what we sow, then let’s sow some different seeds this year that are not centered on us, but on others. KT

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