
Over the past weekend my memory has taken me for a little historical ride. I suppose it is the joy of the holidays that lead to personal reflection. Over the weekend, I went in my memory from youth to adulthood and came away as always, with a profound thankfulness for God in my life and for the life God has given me.

I continue to be amazed at how I had the opportunity to sell hotels as a living. With no formal education and a stutter, by all accounts, I should be employed in a job where I would not interact with other people. Somehow God saw fit to make me a salesman (probably in his humor) and  let me do something else for a living.

It’s called a glimpse for a reason. It is probably not healthy to spend too much time dwelling on the past, so instead we choose just a glimpse of where we could have ended up. There is an old proverb attributed to John Bradford in the 1500’s that goes, “there, but for the grace of God, go I.” It means, without God intervening in my life, I would not be where I am.

Many people love to think that their hard work, education, or intellect is responsible for getting them where they are. Some even quote “I am a self-made man/woman.” I would urge you to be careful to never let your mind go there, much less, let your mouth ever utter those words. Every one of us is one heartbeat away from the grave and it is only by the grace of God that we are allowed to remain among the living. Never take that for granted, because it could change in a literal heartbeat.

When these moments of reflection happen for you, (and they will) be sure to turn the world off and have a little quiet prayer time thanking God for all he has done for you and your family and gave him the gratitude for your life. Sometimes, it helps us all to see a glimpse of where we almost ended up. KT

2 thoughts on “Glimpse

  1. I had a lady knock on my door, looking for someone who does not live at my address. She was drunk and lost. My heart broke for her because at that very moment I was reminded of the saying you just mentioned. “there, but for the grace of God, go I”
    I thank God EVERY day for His love for me and all that He has brought me through.

  2. Thank you so much Yes so good we can let ourselves be drug down in negativity
    Gratitude produces wonderful brain chemicals to help your body restore itself I am working on every morning thanking God because your quote from Bradford is very real !!!

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