The only authorized entity that can put a label on something is the one who made it, the one who owns it or the one who purchases it.
I heard a sermon by Andy Stanley this past week and it was on this subject. Much of this concept is taken from that sermon but I also want to add a few of my own thoughts on the subject.
Labels are important and also valuable. If you don’t think so, just go shopping this weekend and you will see people paying more for things because it carries a certain label or manufacture. As an example, look at Kate Spade purses, Ray Ban sunglasses, Brooks Brother’s suites, Mercedes cars, Gucci Apparel, Ann Taylor clothes etc. As you know there are thousands of brand name labels in today’s market.
Think of the labels you have allowed other people who had no right or authority to place on you. Let that sink in just a minute. Many labels we have allowed on ourselves are hurtful like, dumb, silly, ugly, stupid, failure, slow, uncoordinated, unpopular etc. You get the idea.
This is important. The problem is not when someone tried to label you, rather the problem was when you started acting as though the label was correct and when you accepted it as part of who you are. I have stuttered all my life and all my life there were labels people tried to put on me. Fortunately God gave me enough self-esteem to not pay attention to what others thought. At some point we all have to decide that we don’t really care what other people think about us and that we refuse their labels and then you will be free to be your own label maker.
The only person that has the right and or authority to put a label on you is either the one who made you, the one you purchased you or yourself. No one else has the right. If there has been labels put on you against your will, you don’t have to accept it and continue to live with it. Take back your identity through recognizing that God made you, he purchased you on the cross and besides yourself, there are no other authorized people to put a label on you. KT