700 crosses

The other day I was having a conversation with someone regarding our national anthem and the American flag and the recent events surrounding people not willing to stand for the playing of the anthem.

My response was simple. The only person I can speak for is me. We live in a country where we can freely choose what we respect, how we worship and how we live. That is what defines freedom. If I had to give one example of why I believe like I do, it would be the 700 crosses. In a little north Georgia town called Dahlonega, every Memorial Day and 4th of July, there are 100 volunteers that place 700+/- crosses along the streets around town. On each cross is the name of a soldier that came from Dahlonega and the war he or she died in. The crosses go from WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam and even some of the recent conflicts. Each cross represents a person that never got to live a long life, marry, have children and grow into adulthood. They all gave their life so someone like me can sit down in a free country and write a blog.

So, when I think of patriotism, I think of the 700 soldiers from one little town that paid the ultimate price so we could all live free. Therefore, I always have and I always will choose to stand up, place my hand over my heart and show respect for the country that I love. KT

One thought on “700 crosses

  1. The little town of Duluth does the same thing with the crosses. It is very humbling. I too choose to stand and show respect for our country.

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