Step into your calling

At some point we all have the opportunity to step into our calling. For some, this happens at an early age in our teen years and for some it may be decades later, but it happens to all of us eventually. I was asked recently, how do you know when it happens? The only answer I have is, you just know.

For me, it happened when I was 32 years old. I had left home when I was 17 years old and supported myself and married my high school sweetheart and had two beautiful daughters before it happened to me. I will never forget that moment. It was when I sold my second hotel, not my first, but my second. It was with the second one that I realized the first one wasn’t a fluke and I may actually have some talent for this line of business. After the second one closed, I remember hearing that still, small, quiet voice in my spirit that said, this is it. Today is the day. I cannot explain it, but I just knew this is what I was supposed to do. It was my calling and was what all the other things in my life before then had prepared me for.

Unfortunately, there are some people that never step into their calling because of fear. I remember my father in-law saying something to me years before he died that has remained in my heart. He told me to find work I enjoyed doing and go do that. He said when you enjoy it, you wake up every morning excited to go to work. They don’t teach that in business school but the wisdom in those words is applicable and sound.

Even though the 2020 year has been one for the record books, the joy of coming to work is still just as exciting as it was 30 years ago. Many of the dearest friends and relationships I have today are because of my work and finding my calling all those years ago. Find something that interests you and that you enjoy, and you may just find your calling. KT

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