Category Archives: Uncategorized

First time, in a long time

When was the last time you really, really talked to God about your life and your future? Maybe today is a good day to do that for the first time, in a long time.

If you are like me, we get caught up in life, work and living and we forget to step aside ever now and then and really have a communication with God. We say the same little prayer this morning as we did the last 100 mornings, thinking it is enough. If you are a parent, you know how desperately you want your children to confide in you and tell you want is really going on with their life. Sometime the “I’m good, I’m fine” just isn’t enough. You as a parent want to really know how they are. That is how God feels about us.

There are people who wait for some imagined event in their life to start being who they were meant to me. They say “when that happens, I will finally do this or that. Go back to school, get in shape, sell this buy that, clean up this, change that habit, spent more time ,,,,,etc., etc.” If your child came to you and said, “dad, I am waiting for this to happen before I change this,” As you look into your child’s eyes, your advice would be, “don’t wait, do it now.”

That is what God would say to you and me, don’t wait, do it now.

Maybe today, for the first time, in a long time, you step aside and really tell God what’s going on and tell him your dreams, your fears, and your goals and then listen within your heart for his reply. KT

The New Normal

I think we will all agree that things have changed over the past three years. First the pandemic that shuttered many businesses and ushered in inflation unseen since the early 80’s. Then there are threats and rumors of war and global unrest. There are simply too many issues to speak in detail about like the US border, North Korea, AI, Gaza, smash and grab thefts and what all the stars are wearing,,, or not wearing. Ha. The news is simply full of issues they want you to care about.  

Sometimes all the noise makes me want to back to no cell phone, just a radio in the car (no nav, no calls, no messaging) holding a real newspaper in your hands to get the news and using that wall phone with the long squiggly cord. That said, I don’t want to go back to a 20” TV with three channels. I can only be retro so much.

You know what hasn’t changed? Aside from all the noise, is the basic fact that 99.5% of us want the same thing. We want to live in safety, in peace, be gainfully employed, own a home and be able to keep our children and grandchildren safe at home, in school and when they go out with friends. That my friend is the American dream that most of us want and other countries envy.

As much as we would like to shift back to simpler times, its not going to happen. There is a new normal in our world from 24hr news cycles to doubled prices at restaurants. It’s here and it is going to stay. The question is how do we adapt to this new normal?

Years ago, I asked Dan Cathy (Chick-fil-a founder’s son) to come speak at our men’s group at church. During that speech he said all the executives had gotten together to piece together the company’s mission statement. It was simple. “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”

That my friends is how we adapt to this new normal world that will undoubtedly be changing even more as the years progress. We can’t stop the changes, but we can make a decision on how we react to it. My advice – keep your main things your main things. KT

White Christmas

Each year we watch the White Christmas movie with Bing Crosby. If I was asked what my favorite movie is, that would be it.

Couple fun facts – The number one best-selling song of all time (pop, rock, country and all categories) is White Christmas. It has sold over 50 million copies. The best-selling Christmas album of all time is Elvis Presley’s 1957 Christmas album. It has sold 17 million copies.

What does Christmas mean to you? For me, it is the yearly reminder to hold close those you love. Tell them openly and repeatedly that you love them. Let there be no question of their place in your heart. It’s a time of reflection on what is most important in our life. It’s also the opportunity for acknowledgement of those less fortunate that you help and show the way.

We have always heard that it is more joyful to give than to receive. There is not a truer word spoken. Give a gift to a sick child, homeless person, single mother trying her best, an elderly homebound special person, and then you can see the truth of that statement. It removes all doubt that it is in fact, more joyful to give than to receive.

Hug your children tight whether they are young or grown. If you still have your parents, hopefully you can tell them you love them. Elaine and I can’t do this now. We both lost the last of our parents in 2023. Seek out that neighbor, friend, colleague, boss and give them the blessing of your kind words on what they mean to you.

2024 will be here soon enough with its own divisiveness, civil unrest and steaming news stories about who said what and who did or didn’t do something. The bible says in Matthew 6:34 “therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

While you can, enjoy this Christmas season and never ever forget the impact God has had on your life. Isaiah 43:18-19 says “Do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new. It will spring forth and you will not even be aware of it. I will even make a roadway in the wilderness or rivers in the desert.” The meaning – he can do anything and straighten out the most complicated of issues. He is your heavenly father who loves you. KT

Knowing when to get off the dance floor

Most of my long-term friends are all getting older, In business, it’s important to know when to step off the dance floor. If you are in the Military, there is a mandatory age limit of service. You don’t get a choice. If you are Warren Buffett, you just keep going as long as you believe you can contribute to the success of the company. For many others, it is your choice when you hang up your cleats.

Purpose, influence, and relevance are key to understanding when the time is right. I have seen many people stay longer than they should. Most of these do so out of ego and pride. The key discussion points start with purpose- do you still have objectives to grow the company, influence – do people still respond to you and most important is relevance – are you still relevant in your business. There is no shame in stepping back and in fact, I have been told by many people that it is one of the greatest changes in your life.

I can’t tell you how many companies go forward with greater results after the patriarch retires. I could name 20 companies right now where the next in line just waited until it was their turn. When it came, the wisdom and energy of youth took over and propelled the company to greater heights.

If you are on the dance floor (business setting) and you are dancing slow while everyone else is moving to a faster beat, it may be time to reconsider if it is your time. A very smart person (my oldest daughter) once told me that the key is to already be involved in the next act before you let go of the first act. Sound advice for anyone who is nearing the age of decision.

If you have the luxury of making a retirement decision on your own, asking yourself the three questions above may just help you make the right decision.  KT

Going back in time

There have been many movies made about traveling back in time and while they are interesting to think about, the truth is there is no time travel. We get one shot at being who we were meant to be. That’s it. One go, one time and one shot.

If you could go back in time, knowing the future might at first seem to be exciting, but knowing the future carries with it many tears and heartbreak. If you knew the day the lord would call you home, what a terrible existence that would be. If you knew you will lose a loved one on a certain day, how very awful that would be because there wouldn’t be anything you could do to change it.

Sure, you could make great amounts of wealth by knowing the future, but could you alter the life timing of those you love. The answer is no, you couldn’t.

We could all do well to imagine we know the future of those around us because it would force us to take note, focus, listen and love deeply those family members while we have them with us. I believe if we knew the future we would take the time to listen and show love without hesitation and hug your family members and make sure they know you love them.

I can honestly say that if I could choose any time period to live in or travel back to, it would be now. Right where I am at. I think that in itself is a great blessing. Sure, I wouldn’t have made some of the decisions I made in the past but all those decisions are part of where I am today. I wouldn’t trade today for anything. KT