For many people, today will be their last day. They just don’t know it. In the US, 7,700 people die each day and in the world 151,000 die each day.
I was in my office today working and, on my wall, I have a picture of Payne Stewart (the professional golfer) taken at the very moment he sunk the putt to win the US Open in 1999 at Pinehurst. It was Father’s Day; June 1999 and the thrill of that win is expressed all over his body as that picture was snapped. He was at the top of life in that moment.
126 days later, he kissed his wife and baby’s goodbye one morning and boarded a flight that never got to where it was going. I am sure on the way to the airport he thought, I will do this tomorrow and that next week etc. He never had the time to do any of those things because God almighty called him home that day. He wasn’t expecting it, but it was his appointed time. His family were left with only the memories and the lessons he taught up to that point.
We all have an appointed day and time when we will be called home. It happens to every single one of us and there is no escaping it. The title of the blog is ‘Today’ because today is all we have. Actually, the moment you are reading this, is all you have. I don’t mean to be morbid but we all should enjoy each day and moment to its fullest. Forgive faster, love deeper, pay attention to those you love and choose to be that person God intended you to be. Choose today. KT