
We all have hopes and dreams of a someday in our life.

It goes like this; someday I will be happy, Someday I will be confident, someday I will have friends, someday I won’t be afraid, someday they will love me, someday I will be accepted, someday I will be in shape, someday I will know God’s plan for my life, someday I won’t be intimidated, someday, someday, someday.

I am here to tell you that God’s someday is today. He is the God of hopes, dreams and desires and he wants you to have the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4 says “Take delight in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Your someday starts with having a real prayer with God about what is going on in your life. Not just a prayer where you ask God to forgive you your sins and let the sun shine tomorrow. A real fervent prayer where you ask God how to start and where to begin.

There are many people that pass away with “someday” dreams that will never be realized. You choose. Yes, It is your choose. When you choose God and his will for your life, I believe he starts immediately helping you get to the place he wants you to be and begins the process of turning “someday” into “today.” KT

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