Psalms 90:12

The NIV version of Psalm 90:12 says “teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

We get so busy in life that the days and years seem to slip by and you look up and realize you are 5 years older than the last time you checked. I was watching a movie the other day from 1999 and it still seemed like a recent movie. Then I paused and realized that it was 16 years ago. This past weekend I was upstairs in my daughters’ old bedrooms just looking around at all the stuff that is still theirs. Ha. My oldest daughter graduated from high school 13 years ago and my youngest daughter graduated from high school 10 years ago. Wow how the years get by.

This passage of scripture means to measure your days carefully and add purpose to each day and to seek God’s direction for each and every day. It means to live life on purpose and with meaning and to gain God’s wisdom in the process. Numbering the day means to make it count because once today is gone you will never have another day exactly like today. They hopefully will be similar, but they are never the same. It means to make it count because one day all you will have is the memories of the days spent. Spend them wisely.

It means to not just hurry to start a day, rather have a quiet time with God at the beginning of each day and ask him to guide your paths. I find that a quiet time in the morning sets the stage for the whole day. On the days that I slept late and hurried to get dressed and rushed out of the house and hit the traffic to the office, it usually starts the day off hectic and it seemed to carry throughout the day. The days where I got up a little earlier and had a quiet time seemed to give me more control over the flow of the day.

I believe God wants us to ask him about the day before it starts and seek his wisdom on how to handle the events of the day. It is like you start the day with a secret weapon as compared to the rest of the world. I find it calms your spirit within you and gives you balance throughout the day.

Use tomorrow as an example and number the day and ask God to help you make it count. KT

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