At a time in our world where the issues of race, age, health, gender, etc. take center stage, it is so nice to just be one person having a friendship with another.
My friend Terrell helps bag the groceries at our local Publix. Terrell is a young black man about 19 years old with a severe speech impediment, hearing aids, and a heart that is as big as Georgia. He is my bud. Every time I go into the store, he will see me, hug my neck and then we do our own little special handshake. When he talks to me, I really have to listen close to understand when he tells me about what is going on in his life. He is so full of joy that it is contagious to be around him. When he talks, you can see right into his soul and know he has no animosity, anger, strife and harbors no ill will toward anyone. He is just Terrell.
I love the young man because the world is simple to him and uncluttered by all the stuff the media tells us to believe and feel. For him, it is just about being friends. The other day I was in the store and he came up to me for a hug and then went to the man in line behind me for another hug. Everybody loves Terrell, and he makes a visit to the grocery store something to look forward to.
I think it is a beautiful thing to see people of all backgrounds, race and religion be able to get along and enjoy each other the way God intended it to be. If we could all be like Terrell, the world would be a much better place to live. KT
My house is like that too. Totally refreshing. Young people of all backgrounds, every race, and every religion are welcome. We have a lot of food, fun, and laughter in my house. ( A lot of car and motorcycle parts too.) lol