Living in the now

I bought an old truck on eBay last week site unseen from Tacoma, Washington. It is a 1990 Chevrolet 3500 one ton truck with a 454 and 40k original miles. It is getting shipped and will be here in a week or so. One thing about that truck that struck me about living in the now, was the truck’s interior. The original owner put seat covers on the truck and protected the carpet when it was new and therefore the interior is virtually like it was the day it rolled off the showroom floor.

So the original owner sat on ugly seat covers for 25 years so he could protect the interior for the next buyer. I think that is sweet, but not what I would do. The first thing I am going to do is rip those seat covers off because when the next buyer gets this truck, that interior is going to have been thoroughly used and enjoyed by me. I hope it has holes in the seats because I enjoyed it so much.

I think of the good suit, the good shoes, the fancy china, the best couch, the incredible coat, the great purse, the nicest tie, the books that are unread because it may break the book’s spine, the nice pen that stays in the jewelry box, etc. You get the idea.

Living in the now means that we should use the good stuff and not save it for some day that may never come. Why give unused china to your family after you die. I say, burn the best candles, eat off the good china, wear the best clothes and, completely wear out the best pair of shoes while you are in the living and while you are living in the now.

I have heard too many stories and have had too many friends who have passed on and I have walked into too many funeral homes where people died before they planned to. There is an appointed time for everyone and God is the only who knows the moment and the day it will happen. Thank God he doesn’t let us in on the decision.

Therefore, I believe after you pass away and your family is going through your possessions and things, I think they should be worn out, used up and have been thoroughly enjoyed by you. The point is, don’t wait and don’t put off the good things and don’t save the best for another day that may never come. Use it, clean it and repeat again and again.

Don’t sell your 25 year old truck with interior that has never been used and enjoyed by you. KT

One thought on “Living in the now

  1. I’m with you on that. I have a quilt Granny Thompson gave me when I was 35. On that day this quilt was 60 years old and had never been used. Granny hand stiched this quilt three years before our Dad was born. I followed suit and did not even use this quilt until one day in 2009, the quilt was76 years old, I realized why not? LOL I can tell you that quilt is one of my favorites. Used and washed and used again now for 6 years. It is more beautiful than any quilt I have.

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