There is a story in the bible (Mark, 4: 36-41) about Jesus being in a boat with his disciples when a large storm comes up and threatens their safety. There have been many sermons preached on this passage of scripture and a person can garner many insights and revelations from these six simple verses.
Have you ever felt alone, sad or feel lost? Maybe your family has issues, or your job is weighing you down or financial stress seems to be overwhelming. It could be as simple as you got passed up for a promotion or someone said something that hurt you or they took advantage of you.
In the passage of scripture, Jesus was in the boat with them (this is important) but did not act until they called on him. He was aware of everything happening, yet he waited until he was invited to help.
Every time something happens in your life that threatens to steal your joy or peace, it may help to realize (and accept) that Jesus already knows what is going on, but he is just waiting for you to call on him. He is in the boat of life with each of us and is fully aware of every simple thing happening around you.
I believe Jesus uses his hands (spiritually speaking) in two ways to direct our life. He either places his hand on your chest to stop you from going through the door or he puts his hand on your bank to lead you through the door. When big or small decisions present themselves in your life, pause a minute and ask him if you should go through the door or not. He will let know what his will is. KT
Great words today.