This is a passage in 1st Timothy 6:6. It is short, to the point and very important.
What does it mean? It means that when you do the right thing, a peace comes over you that gives you contentment. The dictionary definition of contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction. Contrary to what you read in the news or hear out of small people looking for a sound bite, we all know what the right thing is to do. In every situation that comes up, we know in our hearts the right path and the wrong path. Its like seeing a person drop their wallet. You can take the path of searching it for money first or take the path of picking it up and taking it to the person. Simple right? Well in dealing with more serious issues in life, the right path is never cloudy, it is just us doing what is right.
The word Godliness simply means to act Godly. Be honest, straightforward, transparent, loyal, steadfast, forgiving, and consistent in the way we live our lives
In Colossians 4:6, the passages says – always let your speech be gracious and pleasant, seasoned with salt so that you will know how to answer everyone. When you do what is right and what you know you should do, there is a contentment that comes over you and that is what the passage means when it says, Godliness with contentment is great gain. KT