Many years ago, I adopted the belief and opinion that when I encounter detours, delays or cancellations, that it is God’s way of keeping me from being in a certain place at a certain time.
Years ago, I was driving home and there is an on ramp to the interstate I always took. I would always sped up and get in the left-hand lane. That day for some reason I was content in driving slower in the right-hand lane. 30 seconds after I made the decision to be happy in the right-hand lane, a tractor trailer truck tire came loose and landed directly where I would have ordinarily been. That day I said a prayer of thanks for God keeping me from being in the place where I thought I wanted to be.
This past weekend me and my two son in-laws were going to go stripper fishing on Lake Lanier. We got the boat ready and started out on the water and my eyes (I wear contacts) just got a bunch of pollen in them and I literally couldn’t see. One of my son in-laws drove the boat back to the lake house so I could wash my eyes out. I was headed back to the boat and saw them putting the boat back on the lift. I asked them what they were doing and apparently while I was in the house, the boat just stopped running. We tried to crank the boat, but it just would not run.
Something in my spirit gave me a tug that we were just not supposed to be out on the water that day. Don’t know why and can’t explain it other than I believe God was protecting us from something we could not see.
My point is, many times in life you may encounter detours, delays or cancellations and we shouldn’t always get upset or angry. Just maybe God is protecting you from being in a certain place at a certain time. KT
I find that if I am in a delay or something, I pray Lord if this is you holding me up, thank you , if this is not you Lord, clear it up. Amen