Dancing With The Stars TV show could be one of the most irritating shows I know of except for The Bachelor, where the guy tries to fake fall in love with 20 women at the same time. Dancing With The Stars new season started this week and the best I can tell, this season will last for 18 years.
All that said, I did see one amazing person on last night’s show that I want to share with you. Her name is Amy Purdy, and she was an Olympic bronze medal winner in the Paralympics in Sochi. Amy is a double amputee with two prosthetic legs below the knee. She was 19 when she contracted bacterial Meningitis and to save her life, both legs were amputated.
She is simply amazing and so very beautiful; she’s not willing to let this thing stop her from her dreams. You should have seen her in the Olympics in snowboard competition, and you should have seen her last night handle herself with such a grace; it was simply stunning.
She could have decided her life was over and forgot her dreams. Today, she is a motivational speaker and athlete telling her story of overcoming this life-changing obstacle. Sometimes there are just things we cannot change in our life, and the only answer is to withdraw or to move forward. Fear, anxiety and intimidation are not things that have to be accepted in life. Life-changing injuries, maybe, but fear is not to be accepted.
Find a new meaning for who you are, what you do, and the reason you do it. People need examples to follow like Amy Purdy, and it should be incumbent on each of us to be what we should be. KT
Excellent, Keith!
Amazing message Keith!!