Christmas movies – time travel

I am such a nostalgic guy around Christmas (I know what you are thinking,) but I love the Christmas movies that center around two themes. Either going back in time or forward in time. The movie, it’s a Wonderful Life, should be required watching for everyone. George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) gets to glimpse what life in his town would look like had he never been born. The result is he became thankful for his life even with all its struggles. The movie, A Christmas Carol about a Scrooge, lets the angry man glimpse into his future and see what his life will look like if he doesn’t change. The result was he was able to change his life now and become more giving and kind. Several of the newer Christmas movies depict a situation where the person time travels to the future and sees the impact of what a decision today has on their future.

Yea, I know the actor always comes back to the present and changes their life and falls in love, but that is what Christmas movies are supposed to be like! Happy.

My point is that many decisions we make today will have everlasting (literally) effects on many people in our lives, especially on those closest to us. With every decision we should ask ourselves, will this decision help those I love or hurt those I love? In your mind, fast forward 5, 10 or 15 years and try to imagine the impact the decision you make today and how it will affect you and those closest to you. More times than we may want to admit, we already know the impact. Read that last sentence again. The question becomes, will we still make the same decision, or will we consider those closest to us?

I hope and trust that 2019 will be your year for good sound decisions that will result in a positive impact to your family and those closest to you. Merry Christmas! KT

1 thought on “Christmas movies – time travel

  1. I like Christmas movies too, all year long. I also like Christmas music all year long. I guess it runs in the family from somewhere. My favorite movies are It’s a Wonderful Life and the Gift of the Magi.

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